CVCA Profile

The China Venture Capital Association (“CVCA”) is a member-based trade organization established to promote the interest and the development of venture capital (“VC”) and private equity (“PE”) industry in the Greater China Region. Currently CVCA has close to 100 member firms, which collectively manage over US$100billion in venture capital and private equity funds.

CVCA's member firms have long and rich experience in private equity and venture capital investing worldwide and have made many successful investments in a variety of industries in China, including information technology, telecommunications, business services, media and entertainment, biotechnology, consumer products, and general manufacturing. Examples of successful companies backed by CVCA member firms include Suntech, Baidu, China Finance Online,, Shanda, 51job, Focus Media,,, Eachnet, Mengniu Dairy,, Ping An Insurance,, SMIC,, Tencent, AsiaInfo, UTStarcom, and many, many other fast-growing China firms.

CVCA's mission is to foster the understanding of the importance of venture capital and private equity to the vitality of the Greater China economy and global economies; to promote government policies conducive to the development of VC and PE industry; to promote and maintain high ethical and professional standards; to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing opportunities among members; and to provide research data, industry publications and professional development for PE and VC investors.

CVCA is incorporated in Hong Kong with a representative office in Beijing . Funding for CVCA's activities comes from membership dues. CVCA's membership is open to all China-focused professional venture capital and private equity organizations and corporate venture capital investors, and is also open to the related professional companies, which can join as CVCA associate members. CVCA has three liaison officers in Shanghai , Xi'an and Silicon Valley respectively facilitating local networking and communication.

To know more about CVCA, please visit .



中华创业投资协会是一间创业投资和私募股权投资基金的行业协会组织,成立于 2002 年中,目前已有近一百家会员及联席会员公司,其中大部分是以大中华地区为重点投资市场的创业投资和私募股权投资基金管理公司,其累积管理的资金规模超过一千亿美元。

中华创业投资协会的会员在全球拥有非常长久和丰富的投资经验,并成功地投资于大中华地区的诸多领域和企业,其中包括信息技术、商业服务、传媒文化、生物科技、消费产品以及制造业。协会会员投资成功的案例包括:尚德、百度、金融界、空中网、盛大、前程无忧、聚众传媒、阿里巴巴、携程、易趣、蒙牛、网易、平安保险、新浪、中芯国际、搜狐、腾讯、亚信、 UT 斯达康等众多优秀的民族企业。


