address: 3, rue Primo Levi
Country: France
Zip Code: 75013
Primary phone number: +33143461515
Primary fax number: +33153614310

Head of sales and marketing: Samir Addamine


AREYOUHERE£ºClicmobile¡¯s mission is to provide tools to build and run connected communities. Clicmobile solution enables users to interact within their community both from their PC and their mobile phones. In a nutshell, Clicmobile is the technical link between community members on both the online and mobile worlds.Clicmobile first product, AreYouHere, is a ¡°buddy finder¡± which combines location based services (LBS) with mobile social software (MoSoSo). This product was developed in-house. Compared to other technologies, ClicMobile¡¯s mobile social software is superior because:
its platform relies on a ready to-implement, simple-to-use solution;
it is easily replicable from one community to another one;
it is suitable for all mobile phones, i.e. it does not require downloading extra applications (optional for high-end phones via downloadable Flash / Java applications);
it relies on a secure location-based service (LBS) and technologies present in the vast majority of mobile phones (WAP, i-mode, MMS, and SMS).
AreYouHere is a mobile extension of somebody¡¯s online social network. The basic principle is as follows:
1. The user creates a profile online

IT management and infrastructure Data center management
Application development tools / platforms
Consumer Communications

Plazes, Playtext, Wavemarket, Proxpro, PeepsNation, Jambo, Dodgeball, Imahima, SocialLiht, radiant, 6thsents, Rabble, Beed, ning.

Clicmobile¡¯s technology is suitable for a wide number of applications and markets. From an end-user perspective, it can be used to stay connected all day with your buddies, locate other community members near you, get in touch (and why not, date) with friends of friends, search anywhere for people with same interests,¡­ . From a B2B point of view, it can enrich mobile operators¡¯ offers with social networking, provide targeted, located advertising, it can help emerging communities with web and mobile tools. The overall potential for Clicmobile is enormous as a myriad of new communities will emerge and will need mobile solutions to meet end users¡¯ expectations and thus further monetize their assets. We have made preliminary assessments of the market and believe revenue streams in the region of €40m are possible

Private seed round in 2005 : 240k€
Private second seed round : 2006: 400k€
Preparing first round